Hometown Teams Exhibit Opening & Panel Discussion Photo Gallery
Croft, Coats, Sawyer, Pratt: Early sports team photographs from Pratt and surrounding towns Early 1900’s
Byers, Preston, Pratt: Early sports team photographs from Pratt and surrounding towns Early 1900’s
Early sports team photographs from Pratt and surrounding towns Early 1900’s
Lots of fresh popcorn!
Wonderful table setting including the Jett trophy and TEAM themed bottles/cases
Early Coke Machine for drinks during the reception
Trophy of Coats Basketball team 1928, Football of the State Champs 1912, Old leather helmet of Delmont Scott 1913
THE NOW: Current day portrayal of community recreation teams by local high school students from Stan Reimer’s Sports photography class
Mr Carter Barker, local legend sports historian and expert: Enjoying popcorn at the panel discussion
Mr Thad Henry; Mr. Joe Reynolds; Mr. Gregg Wade: local legends sports historians/expert players
left: Curator of the HT teams exhibit, Chamaine Swanepoel
Curator Chamaine Swanepoel talking with Martha Wade
HT teams panel guests
Introduction by Brittany Novotny hands over to Gregg Wade to lead the discussion and introduce the panelists
Pre K classes and Tiny Tadpoles May 13th and 14th
Sacred Heart School Tour, Scavenger Hunt, & Art Class
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