Step 1. (If you have not already) Fill out the Google Entry Form Here Scholarships may be Available for Students
Step 2. Email all required images to
Step 3. Please submit your $25.00 payment to complete your call for entries application process. You may visit the museum to submit cash/check, call to process payment over the phone, or pay online in step 3; Please note that your application will not be complete until your entry fee is received.
Click the orange “Pay Online” button below or contact us to inform the museum about your tendered payment of cash or check. You will enter name, email, phone, click SUBMIT, proceed by selecting First Data payment icon to reach our secure card entry platform. If our online gateway has technical issues please call the museum to pay by phone 620-933-2787.
If the google entry form online is not preferred, a printable version of the application may be downloaded HERE
Many thanks for your participation; we look forward to contacting you soon!

Release: April 1, 2023 – Call for Entries Announcement:
Vernon Filley Art Museum seeks submissions for the
“Ninnescah Hometown Art Exhibit” For Artists with Pratt Area Hometown Ties
to occur July 22nd, 2023 through Jan. 10 , 2024
Vernon Filley Art Museum – Contact: Brittany Novotny or Staff
Exhibition Dates: July 22nd, 2023 through January 10, 2024
ELIGIBILITY: All artists presently living in Pratt Country or surrounding areas are invited to enter. Out-of-state artists with a hometown tie to the Pratt region are also invited to enter. Priority will be given to local artists of Pratt who are currently producing work in our area, but we encourage all artists with ties to the community and region to enter. All artists and their guests are invited to the opening and reception on July 22nd at 5pm.
Fee for Exhibit Entry: $25: Entry does not guarantee acceptance of work. Payment and entry form can be submitted by visiting the museum or online at: or mailed to Vernon Filley Art Museum, PO BOX 443, Pratt, KS 67124. Your payment should be postmarked by June 22nd, 2023.
ENTRY: Artists must enter online by June 23, 2023. If artists are notified of acceptance; artwork should be delivered between July 10th and July 14th only.
The Vernon Filley Art Museum provides a spectacular quality venue in South Central Kansas for a variety of subject matter from contemporary to Southwestern art and beyond. The museum has an outstanding reputation and art collection, which we feel will be complemented well with a “hometown” theme created by inviting artists that have a tie to our area. Artwork submitted should be listed for sale, but exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. The Filley Museum retains a 40% commission on any sale made in the galleries during the exhibition, while the artist retains 60%. We will be looking for a variety of stylistic representations amongst the works and would like the exhibition to serve as a platform for exchange and collaboration among artists. All forms of art are welcome. The Vernon Filley Art Museum reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions for the exhibition.
The application includes prompts for each artist’s biography and/or artist statement and three photographs (high resolution images preferred) of work you intend to submit. Submission of 3 images does not guarantee acceptance, the museum may select 0, 1, 2, or 3 of your submissions. Enter your contact information and any narrative about your chosen pieces on the application form. Please indicate the title of each work, dimensions, and your sale price on the application. Once your application and payment have been received prior to June 23rd, 2023 your application will be marked complete. Earlier works submitted may have their images selected for exhibit promotional and print media.
DELIVERY: The Filley museum staff will notify you of any selections accepted by July 1st . If selected, works must be shipped or delivered to the Filley Museum prior to July 14th. All shipped works are to be sent in reusable packaging. Please allow ample time for entries to reach us. All hand delivered works will be accepted Tuesday through Friday, 9am-3pm, or Saturday, 1-4pm only. Exceptions will be considered and arranged on a case by case basis.
RETURN: Postage and Shipping Cost is the responsibility of the artist to and from the Filley Art Museum. Unless exact return postage is included with entry, carrier-delivered works will be returned (insured for the purchase price unless otherwise indicated) at the conclusion of the exhibition. Hand-delivered works may be picked up at the conclusion of the exhibition. The Filley Museum will not be responsible for works left after January 13, 2024.
We thank you for your interest and participation and look forward to working with you!
Vernon FIlley Art Museum 421 S. Jackson St. – PO Box 443 – Pratt, KS 67124s