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Monday, November 23, 2015: Fall Student Art Class Showcase: Friends and Family Night Open House:
Our Fall student showcase was a major hit! Thanks to all involved – Education Committee members, staff, volunteers, board members, TEACHERS, STUDENTS – what a team! Special thanks to Tami Gordon and family for the DELICIOUS festive desserts and refreshments and thank you committee chair Debbie Estes!
November 6th to December 4th: Guest Metal Artwork Exhibition by Local Pratt Artist Dick Bixler: featuring steel sculpture, furniture, and vases.

Thanks to the generosity of our guest artist, 40% of sales from this exhibition will be donated to the art museum; which may be tax deductible for those who purchase artwork during this show.

DIck Bixler’s show opening was our most popular reception yet, with more than 140 people in attendance!

Thank You To Our Sponsors of the evening: Appetizers, beer and wine this evening were prepared and donated by our volunteers & board members, and Dr. Warren & Karen Filley

Thank you to our gracious Volunteers:  Kay Knight,    Willa Beth Mills,    Linda Broce,  Harlan & Janet Shinkle, Old School Music   &

Filley Art Museum Board Members: The menu and decoration themes were coordinated by Julie Cannata

We started the evening by extending our  gratitude and thanks to Mimi Filley as everything we do has been enabled by Mrs. Filley. We also extended our thanks to our Founders who have enabled our progress!

A very special thank you was extended to Dick and Nancy Bixler! It was such a pleasure and enlightening experiencing getting to know these incredible people in our community. Mr. Bixler’s versatile body of artwork and symbolic themes speak for themselves, and it is a pleasure to feature them in the museum.


 12195110_10100509309162353_7119657303059845815_oMORE PHOTOS COMING SOON

Your contribution helps the Filley Museum accomplish our mission and serve our community.  By purchasing artwork during this show you are donating funds that will go back to the community in the form of services that the art museum provides. Some of our programming includes school and educational tours, art classes, exhibits, lectures, and unique art based events.